Develop ineo+ 360i Colour A3 Multifunctional Printer


Enhanced Features

LK-102v3 PDF enhancements PDF/A (1b); PDF encryption; digital signature
LK-105v4 OCR text recognition Searchable PDF and PPTX
LK-106 Barcode fonts Supports native barcode printing
LK-107 Unicode fonts Supports native Unicode printing
LK-108 OCR A and B fonts Supports native OCR A and B font printing
LK-110v2 Document converter pack

Generates various file formats incl. DOCX; XLSX and PDF/A

LK-111 ThinPrint® client Print data compression for reduced network impact
LK-114 Serverless pull printing Secure and Follow Me printing solution
requiring no server application
LK-115v2 TPM activation Trusted Platform Module for protection
of data encryption and decryption
LK-116 Antivirus Bitdefender® Antivirus provides real time
scanning of all incoming and outgoing data

FREE Print Audit

Contact us for a free, no obligation print audit where we will show you how we can save you monthly printing costs and improve efficency